Super 7

I agree, no comparsion between expats living in doha and say second generation pakistani living in london. But i was drawing a comparsion between myself as an expat in europe and the expats living in doha, not immigrants in europe and expats in doha.

Regardless, if second generation muslims, born and breed in the UK turn out to be terrorist, then there is a problem within the UK system itself, just as much as there maybe a problem within the muslim communities of Europe.

Ive lived in the states, and pretty much most of the 2nd/3rd generation muslims in america who come from the mideast/pakistan are proud americans. They may be critical to american policies, nevertheless they love america. I am yet to met one 2nd generation muslim in england who actually loves england. The same case with France and its north africans and germany with its turkish community. The minority communities havent integrated into these communities as a result of both the host country and its govt, and because of the ppl themselve. A problem with is not rarely present in america.

Maybe its time europe become accepting, rather than just welcoming to its minority communities. At least thats one thing america is doing right.

I may be wrong in the above, but they are nothing more than based on my observation from living on both sides of the atlantic.