I don't agree with everything in the article but I can understand where it is coming from. It does depend on how you interpret it.
For example in the UK there were a couple of extermist Muslim clerics such as Abu Hamza. They lived in the UK but preached sermons inciting hatred against the West. Not only did they live in the West but according to the UK media most of them were being supported and benefitting from social welfare paid for by UK taxpayers. One guy was eventually kicked out and pleaded to be let back in as he needed medical treatment. He wanted to receive it free on the NHS in the UK. The country he supposedly hated so much.
I would have to say in circumstances like that, if you hate it so much why don't you leave!
Unfortunately the media in the West do like to highlight stories like this, which are very few and far between and this doesn't help matters.
I came to Qatar understanding it is predominantly Muslim country. I have adapted my lifestyle to respect this. If I didn't like it here I would leave.
By all means be proud of your religion, culture and society but respect other peoples.
I don't agree with everything in the article but I can understand where it is coming from. It does depend on how you interpret it.
For example in the UK there were a couple of extermist Muslim clerics such as Abu Hamza. They lived in the UK but preached sermons inciting hatred against the West. Not only did they live in the West but according to the UK media most of them were being supported and benefitting from social welfare paid for by UK taxpayers. One guy was eventually kicked out and pleaded to be let back in as he needed medical treatment. He wanted to receive it free on the NHS in the UK. The country he supposedly hated so much.
I would have to say in circumstances like that, if you hate it so much why don't you leave!
Unfortunately the media in the West do like to highlight stories like this, which are very few and far between and this doesn't help matters.
I came to Qatar understanding it is predominantly Muslim country. I have adapted my lifestyle to respect this. If I didn't like it here I would leave.
By all means be proud of your religion, culture and society but respect other peoples.
By the way I am staying in Qatar.