hey mstrstever,

I'm sorry you had to experience this, especially with your wife. I agree, driving in Qatar is very aggressive and dangerous, even I, a land cruiser-driving local sometimes find driving to much to handle.

You always need to keep your cool and smile. It’s hard but it needs time getting used too. The best way to fight back jerks on the road is to remain cool and whenever they give any hand gesture is to smile back. I remember being cut off on a round about once, the guy had the guts to wave his hand at me as if I was at fault. Instead of getting angry, I smiled back and made a “I’m sorry� gesture with my hand. I could see the person becoming very humiliated at my humble reaction. I could off given him the finger, but that would just make him more excited. It felt good being able to shame him and his insane driving.

Another advice, never, ever, under any circumstance give the middle finger. Do as many hand gestures as you want but never the middle finger, or any other form of the middle finger. Last time I got the middle finger from someone both I and the two guys in the other car ended up being taken in police cars to the police station.

By the way folks, sure most crazy drivers are the younger locals guys, but Ive seen a fair share of crazy driving expats.

Badawais – I was actually very offended by your comment. Thank god im educated and civilized enough to realize those worthy of arguing with and those who are not worth me getting work up for. I just hope all can read your cheap jab and lame attempt at humour and realize the sort of person you really are… a true racist.. shame on you !!.