There are lots of really talented folks here, who have already formed themselves loosely into bands, one in particular that includes a guy called Chris Coule (Kris Kool !! would be a better name). They play everything from jazz to rock to classical. Included are percussionists, keyboards, brass, string - [inc electronic violin/fiddle] etc,. They have a bunch of v. good singers too. And depending on the venue, will re-form themselves to match the fee of the gig. Get in touch with them, and they will surely put u onto the conveyor belt of who else is around, or call me on 5206824, and I'll give you his number.
Hopefully though, a few more folks will come out of the woodwork.
A few years ago I had a session at my house, and there was a couple of guys from big name bands who are now working a normal job for a living here in qatar. We get them all here!
There are lots of really talented folks here, who have already formed themselves loosely into bands, one in particular that includes a guy called Chris Coule (Kris Kool !! would be a better name). They play everything from jazz to rock to classical. Included are percussionists, keyboards, brass, string - [inc electronic violin/fiddle] etc,. They have a bunch of v. good singers too. And depending on the venue, will re-form themselves to match the fee of the gig. Get in touch with them, and they will surely put u onto the conveyor belt of who else is around, or call me on 5206824, and I'll give you his number.
Hopefully though, a few more folks will come out of the woodwork.
A few years ago I had a session at my house, and there was a couple of guys from big name bands who are now working a normal job for a living here in qatar. We get them all here!