haha- It's funny, didn't expect this to be a debate. True this is one sided because it is based on my own experience. Sure inflation does have an impact but not being taxed is a bigger positive in my case. And I don't have any kids in school, so I can't relate to everyone in Doha. But, I have just been enjoying the sights and sounds of Doha and it has been a really great place.

Just a quick side story--When I first moved here I was completely new to the Qatari culture and all. One day I had mentioned in my class that I would love to check out a Qatari wedding. Well the next day one of my students (it was an adult class) came and gave me an invitation to his sister's wedding. Couldn't ever imagine that happening in Canada. Also, when I went shopping for something to wear for the wedding a Qatari lady shopping in the same store, who heard me asking the sales lady what would be appropiate, offered to take me around the mall to find an outfit. I can't imagine this ever happening back home.

So it's not all about the money it's about living with people who really are kind, gracious, and welcoming.