This actually sounds like a virtual pub during happy hour.. complete with the pissheads on their 24th pint, ...the hot chicks high on attention, red stilletos and alcopops, ...the village idiots holding court and propping up the bar, ...the fat darts players comparing BS stories and slurping 'real ale', ...the acne magnets discussing this weeks top ten slut list, ...the foreign exchange students laughing at the 'gringos', ...the wannabe football managers discussing how Fergie should've really have done it against Arsenal, ..the old bat divorcees bitching about the newly married younger fillies,.. and last but not least, the pub furniture - the guys wearing the 'part time porn star' shirts who never seem to get any girls and wonder why!


Raptus regaliter - unitam logica falsa tuam philosophiam totam suffodiant :-)
C'mon the Red Devils!