I've never been to Dubai so I can't actually make a fair comparison here but there are a few things that i think would make a big difference and are so simple and easy:

1-Keep construction sites going for 24/7 with 3 shifts/day instead of the poor asian workers working their asses in the heat and resting at night when it's best to finish the job....this way the HMC junction could have been finished in 6 months instead of 2 years!!!!

2-Recruit the ones who are best for the job (Any job), whether this job an accountant, a doctor or an engineer or whatever, just put the right person in the right place and not the dearest person in the highest place.

3-Do one thing at a time and finish it right, and when you master what you're doing you can start broadnind your scope and do more at the same time...e.g.don't dig the whole city and then start complaining of bad traffic and tight time-schedule.

4-Make the best use of your resources; Qatar has one of the longest coasts i've ever seen...why not use it for building many many resorts, hotels and beautiful public beaches???Encourage big hotels to come and invest in these areas. How come Qatar has not even one single public beach that could be used by families...N.B.I don't consider the Sealine as a beach,the miserable room is now for over Qr.2000/night!!! this is a joke !!!!

5-Always think 20 years ahead, don't build a road with two lanes then 5 years from now realise this is a traffic congestion area...think how you want this street or this building or this mall to look like 20 years from now...keeping in mind that population growth increases geometrically, i.e. 20 years from now the pupolation of Qatar might be over 10 million !!!!