Recently I saw a program called 'Heaven' presented by Barbara Walters. It was interesting to me, as personally I have not given much thought to religion in general and as although I do believe that there is a God, I can't say I am of a certain religion. and this program explored how views differed among different religions.

Anyways, the reason i bring this up is, Aisha's topic brought a question (of a slightly different note) to my mind. Although I believe there is a God, if i'm not a muslim, christian, etc., would i not go to heaven?! In the program, a muslim, albeit a Palestinian terrorist imprisoned in an Israeli prison (not surprising they would interview a Palestinien terrorist and not an Israeli terrorist, it's an American TV show after all), claimed that muslims go to heaven and christians go to...well...hell...(he did hesitate when Barbara Walters asked him directly if she would go to hell as she was not a muslim).