I know what you mean i came over here and did not have telly at first and to be honest other than from seven at night onwards not alot on but there is a american channel which has pop idol sort of thing, but eaton is right if you can get a house through the company hubby is working for it would be much better as the apartments over here are getting smaller and more costly even though there is no dreaded council tax the rent is high i got lucky and got a big two bed for 4500 but it took a month and a half to get and the others i was shown were brand new but as a two bed you could fit a bed in the one room and the rest of the stuff in the other all for 6000!!! So the old buildings are better!! There are loads of beaches to go to but it's not all sand and looking nice most have alot of rubbish and stones on and the nicer ones are busy busy! There is a night life but not as you know it most people do just bbq's and end up spending night times at weekends at other houses if hubby can get on a compound don't turn it down as you can make friends and any problems everyone is on hand to help so if he is off shore for example it is not as bad! Lots of beauty salons at good prices and lots of shopping! Hope this helps