
My input was as much on the element of "women being given away" as on "honour killings".


Your figures appear to have been picked from Al-jazeera thats why half-truths are rampant..I wont care about other figures..but let me clarify that in 1947 equal number of Hindus and Muslims were killed during partition of India during rioting...

More Muslims have been killed by Muslims than by others..but its a tendency to downplay such figures and not talk about it..So its not surprizing..that you remember what American forces did..but you forgot what Saddam did to his own people..What happened in the Iran-Iraq war..In the Bangladesh Liberation war 1971 (3 Million Bangladeshi Muslims were killed by the Pakistani Army, Women were brutally raped..All your figures above won't add up to this)..

Recently...Killing of Innocent women and children..rape and plunder by the Janjaweed militia in the Darfur region of Sudan..(Which Muslim country came to their rescue?? None)(Not even a laughable resolution passed by OIC)

All of this does not in anyway justify killing of Muslims..or it justifies killing on anyone...Certainly not the killing of innocent Iraqis,Palestinians,Chechens or anyone..All the killings done for geo-political gains are crimes against humanity..