Well yes, I did say that being genetic doesn't actually make a difference to the morality of it. As you say, there are immoral actions that we're genetically predisposed to, as well. Still, it's annoying to see the old allegation of "unnatural" being flung around when it's quite easy to see that homosexuality is perfectly natural.

I agree with you that measuring the likely outcomes of an action are a pretty decent way of deciding on its morality. From that perspective, I think homosexual relationships are perfectly moral. We've already established that, by nature, a certain percentage of people are gay and are not interested in relationships with the opposite sex. For those people, there are many benefits to gay relationships: companionship, stablity, a good environment for rearing children -- basically, all the same benefits that I get out of being married. The main disadvantage is, I suppose, that by being openly gay you risk social shunning. But in my mind, that shows that the public's negative reaction to homosexuality -- not homosexuality itself -- is immoral.

Aisha & Super7,
I'd be perfectly happy not to talk so publicly about sex, but most of the comments here about same-sex relationships have been fixated on the sexual aspect of those relationships. I don't know why. I mean, I can talk about my husband in public without people feeling the need to imagine our sex life. Why can't people do the same with same-sex relationships?