lili thanks for your post. Have to say I'm not completely convinced by your "proof". e.g. point 2 "the qoran in itself is a miracle in every sense..." is hardly proof.
As for the rest of the "proof" I'll leave that up to you but I don't think you could realistically expect to win a court case with it so I remain surprised that people would use it as a basis for life. BTW that goes for all religions not just yours.
As for your final comment "JUST BECAUSE THEY KILL PEOPLE IN THE NAME OF ISLAM DOES NOT MEAN THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH THE RELIGION" I did not ever say there was a problem with the religion.
What I did say was that there were problems within the world of islam and the followers of islam. My main point was that there is a denial by the followers of islam that something is wrong. All I hear is "islam is a religion of peace" etc. I am sure it is on paper but the fact remains that islamic people are blowing people up in the name of the religion. That is the problem.
So as for actions speaking louder than words what is the islamic world doing about it? Nothing as far as I can see. Just more words stating that the religion is one of peace.
I think that although people have free will there must be something about the way islam is taught or interpreted which create these issues. I feel that the islamic world needs to actually DO more to alter these interpretations rather than denying there is a problem.
lili thanks for your post. Have to say I'm not completely convinced by your "proof". e.g. point 2 "the qoran in itself is a miracle in every sense..." is hardly proof.
As for the rest of the "proof" I'll leave that up to you but I don't think you could realistically expect to win a court case with it so I remain surprised that people would use it as a basis for life. BTW that goes for all religions not just yours.
As for your final comment "JUST BECAUSE THEY KILL PEOPLE IN THE NAME OF ISLAM DOES NOT MEAN THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH THE RELIGION" I did not ever say there was a problem with the religion.
What I did say was that there were problems within the world of islam and the followers of islam. My main point was that there is a denial by the followers of islam that something is wrong. All I hear is "islam is a religion of peace" etc. I am sure it is on paper but the fact remains that islamic people are blowing people up in the name of the religion. That is the problem.
So as for actions speaking louder than words what is the islamic world doing about it? Nothing as far as I can see. Just more words stating that the religion is one of peace.
I think that although people have free will there must be something about the way islam is taught or interpreted which create these issues. I feel that the islamic world needs to actually DO more to alter these interpretations rather than denying there is a problem.