As an employee of DAGOC can I say that we are all aware of the rumours going around about the games not happening here but that is just what they are.......rumours! The people of Qatar and Asia are in for two weeks of excitement and fun so I hope you will all come and see The Games Of Your Life!As to the roads - that is not a DAGOC problem. I'm sure that someone somewhere will bung a few more millions of QR's at the prolblem should it look like it will hamper the game time travel plans! Any one for 24 hour roadworks!!!!!!!!!!!
As an employee of DAGOC can I say that we are all aware of the rumours going around about the games not happening here but that is just what they are.......rumours! The people of Qatar and Asia are in for two weeks of excitement and fun so I hope you will all come and see The Games Of Your Life!As to the roads - that is not a DAGOC problem. I'm sure that someone somewhere will bung a few more millions of QR's at the prolblem should it look like it will hamper the game time travel plans! Any one for 24 hour roadworks!!!!!!!!!!!