It`s great u want to learn Arabic super7....the guys had good points....most of the Arab world understands Egyptian Arabic because we have the oldest media in the Arab world .....but i have to ask GIASI....(as an Egyptian)...who the h--- speaks like that. What CHARACTERS say in movies or TV series does not represent how most Egyptians`s just the character talking....It is extremely common though for non Egyptians to stereo type us....lili.
It`s great u want to learn Arabic super7....the guys had good points....most of the Arab world understands Egyptian Arabic because we have the oldest media in the Arab world .....but i have to ask GIASI....(as an Egyptian)...who the h--- speaks like that. What CHARACTERS say in movies or TV series does not represent how most Egyptians`s just the character talking....It is extremely common though for non Egyptians to stereo type us....lili.