I would add, it is very easy to fall into arrogance ourselves by thinking we're somehow above others because of their personal flaws (arrogance being just one of them).
I know not everyone on this blog is Muslim but a maxim from the Muslim scholars of the classical age suits us nicely here.
They said that it is obligatory to give one's brother 70 excuses for a flaw one sees in him. If one cannot think of any, then one should see it as a mirror unto one's self and correct that action in themselves first.
The Prophet Muhammad (God bless him and give him peace) said that during his night ascension he saw people having their lips cut off with scissors of fire. When asked what had led them to this terrible chatisement they replied that they used to command the good but neglect it themsleves and forbid the wrong but do it themselves.
Sorry if it's too heavy on religion for you guys. Just a little incentive for those of you who do care about these things.
I would add, it is very easy to fall into arrogance ourselves by thinking we're somehow above others because of their personal flaws (arrogance being just one of them).
I know not everyone on this blog is Muslim but a maxim from the Muslim scholars of the classical age suits us nicely here.
They said that it is obligatory to give one's brother 70 excuses for a flaw one sees in him. If one cannot think of any, then one should see it as a mirror unto one's self and correct that action in themselves first.
The Prophet Muhammad (God bless him and give him peace) said that during his night ascension he saw people having their lips cut off with scissors of fire. When asked what had led them to this terrible chatisement they replied that they used to command the good but neglect it themsleves and forbid the wrong but do it themselves.
Sorry if it's too heavy on religion for you guys. Just a little incentive for those of you who do care about these things.
Peace out,