From the magical land of entertainment and the most exciting city in the world -- Las Vegas, NV. (so I'm used to the DRY heat, but not the humidity ). I'm over here alone so I miss my family and I miss the fantastic concerts and shows that I've been spoiled with living in Vegas (everything from the Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, U2, Black Crowes, and the Killers to Rascal Flatts, Tim McGraw, Shania Twain (so I enjoy all kinds of music except Rap) and of course Danny Gans, Cirque du Soleil and Lance Burton performances. No I don't spend my money on concerts or shows I go to them free, it's all about connections... Anyway while I am here I am hoping to meet some people that want to get out and do things! Tired of people that want to watch the Travel Show but not travel or explore. Tired of people that would rather drink than go out to restaurants, or to the souks or just walk the Corniche and chat. As a sidenote I don't drink nor smoke (I know strange being from Vegas the land of Sin), I don't mind people that do as long as they are respectful. However, when I eat I always have to sit in the non-smoking area. I've lived in the UK (North Yorkshire & Northamptonshire) for 10 yrs, Saudi and Germany, Italy and now here. Well, that's me in a nutshell. Hopefully some of you want to get off your behinds and do things too. Again as we say out West, Howdy to you all and Viva Las Vegas!
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