The Manager,
Human Resource Department
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to represent myself as Forklift Operator personal. I am looking for a career with Transferable Visa. I was working as a Forklift Operator in Sri Lanka & Qatar and hence would request you to consider myself as a candidate for the above post.
With my experience in the field of analyzing papers, calculating amount, checking all quantity and finalizing summary Forklift Operator . For the last 05 years, I am confident that, I will be able to perform up to your expectations, if you give an opportunity.
I am also enclosed my detailed C.V for your kind perusal.
My local contact for any clarification will be
Mobil:- +974 70274948
E-mail: [email protected]
Thanking you.
Yours Faithfully,
Mohamed Naskar
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