artistic, affectionate, and refined.attractive and fashion-conscious.They seek peace and joy through personal and professional relationships.
Because she is usually so attractive and charming, it is sometimes difficult for men to appreciate the talents and intellect of the typical Libra woman. In many ways she is the most feminine of the zodiacal types. It has been said that although she thinks like a man, she reasons like a woman. These women have a natural ability to make relationships work. Though self-sufficient, they are not happy alone and usually have a partner in their lives.
the most romantic among the zodiacal types.
Once these people fall in love, they start thinking of marriage. Libras don't enjoy romantic suffering. Whenever they are disappointed in a relationship.
woman will spend a little time grieving and then move to another partnership.
Because they are very social people, Libras make good friends. Libras are great counselors, because they have the ability to weigh the pros and cons of an idea fairly and without bias. They love giving parties, and they have talent for making people feel at ease. Although they may seem superficial at times, anyone who knows these charming men and women understands that they have an intriguingly profound side to their nature.
are energetic fact-finders. These highly verbal people combine a love of learning with good taste -- the hallmark of their sign. September 23 people manage to project an image of seriousness while still maintaining their charm.
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