Where is this Rizks who is often mentioned and yet...
Wild Turkey I agree, I'm curious as well.
This is awesome! Great job ladies!
Often America's foreign policy is the definition...
LOL exacty my sentiments Britexpat!
After 11 years in Doha, I finally found Jamals #...
Well that's a shame, cool she is Canadian too....
What happened to her? Bring her back!
Just kidding WT - but I am not leaving... get used to a...
Worry not - Britexpat - I am not going anywhere ;)...
Where is this Rizks who is often mentioned and yet...
Wild Turkey I agree, I'm curious as well.
...This is awesome! Great job ladies!
Often America's foreign policy is the definition...
LOL exacty my sentiments Britexpat!
After 11 years in Doha, I finally found Jamals #...
Well that's a shame, cool she is Canadian too....
What happened to her? Bring her back!
Just kidding WT - but I am not leaving... get used to a...
Worry not - Britexpat - I am not going anywhere ;)...