

Member since: May 2015
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Bachelor of Engineering-Mechatronics 2005-2009
Anna University Chennai


6 Plus years of experience as a Mechanical Project Engineer responsible for project engineering, erection and commissioning of machinery, Material selection, Calculations, Bid evaluation, Vendor selection, Procurement, design / Engineering document review and approval for Plant layouts and maintenance.

Additional Skills: Review Drawings and work with Autodesk Inventor, AutoCAD, ProE wildfire 3.0., CFD-ACE+.

Cost and Schedule Estimates. Good verbal and written communication skills. Self starter. Team Player and Project coordinator. Can Handle Multiple assignments independently, and completing them on time. Have supervised and trained other engineers. Efficient in MS office. Hands on Plant Maintenance and Project Engineering experience. Strong points are initiator and innovative problem solving ability.


• Machinery maintenance [ daily check sheets, preventive and periodic schedules]
• Planning for installation and commissioning of new machinery [according to machine layouts according to inspectors of factories law].
• Planning for Trail production and install an accessory for machines [to support a mass production].
• Design a special purpose machine for special process.
• Managed projects with successful track record delivering on time and on budget.
• Managed several projects simultaneously with successful results.
• Brought needed process improvement to the procurement process by timing purchases across the project phases and saved 20% in overall cost.


 2D drafting : Auto CAD.
 3D Modeling package : PRO-E, CATIA
 Analyzing Package : Ansys


Project & Maintenance Engineer 01/2014 – 04/2015
Employer: Kikuwa India Private Limited, Sricity (India)

It is a Japan based Manufacturer of automobile Die-casting spare parts. Under progression – erection and construction activities and forwarding for trial production

Roles & Responsibilities:

• Deft in co-ordination and execution of project management right from pre- development phase.
• Initializing and co-ordination with construction team (SMCC India Pvt Ltd) with planning construction, Erection and Commissioning of various Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation and piping Systems.
• Interpret all GI, GA, Assembly drawings for site requirement and approval from end-user and construction team.
• Erected and executed as per various safety and regulatory standards. Came up it with innovative and revolution ideas for improvement and development in each of the construction, erection and commissioning life cycle.
• Liaising with approved engineering design standard, resolving complex technical problem. Consistently meeting project establishment standard and made essential design changes accordingly.
• Monitoring project and development and progress on daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis, with required reports.
• Future forecasted and result oriented bottom line ensuring quality standard constantly.
• Enabling precise and versatile technology implementation for up-coming endeavor
• Overseeing all piping erection in line with isometric, GA, GI drawings with site requirement and ensure with its WPS.

Machinery Installation and Commissioning:

• LPG and LNG Furnace manufactured by Shoei Finishing Pvt Ltd for Aluminum smelting and holding, It is Installed and successfully commissioned with Maximum capacity of production trails.
• Checking a furnace with its specification standards and hand over to mass production. Total capacity of melting 600 kg of aluminum per hour and hold a 1500 kg of molten metal.
• Commissioning and installation of 135 and 350 ton Die Casting Machines of Toshiba make with suitable accessories like holding furnace, chiller, jet cooling machines and vacuum machines with appropriate gas lines, waterlines and air connection.
• As the same also Installed three holding furnace for Die-casting unit with capacity of holding up to 600kg of aluminum molten metal.
• Also on hand erection experience in heavy duty machinery & Equipment viz Shot blasting, VMC & HMC and Bag Filters.
• Executed entire production in-line with factory inspector approval, Indian pollution control norms and started ISO with its road map.
• Standard operating procedure and standard maintenance procedure, production planning procedure and preventive, Interim, Break down Maintenance plan for over all plant.

Project Engineer 11/2011 – 12/2013
Employer: Exquisite Engineering Service, Chennai (India)

A leading project developer and provider of engineering service.

Roles & Responsibilities:

• Analysis the customer’s need and design the concept according their processes.
• Analyzing of machineries according to its specifications and efficiency of productivity in particular process.
• Checking over all consumption for each machinery like power, fuel, water and any other.
• Making work out for Plant machinery and its supporting infrastructure.
• Then co-ordinate with our infrastructure team for preparing a machinery layout according to the process flow.
• Planning operations, Managing execution of events,
• Forwarding the machinery layouts and machinery details for customer approvals by coordinating with my project execution team.
• According to the customer’s feedback of project layout, custom-made amendments in it and finalize the approval.
• Then proceeding with purchase team to procure the materials and machinery from our concerned suppliers.
• Co-ordinate with our project execution team for CFE (Concern for Establishment)
• Once Machinery supporting infrastructure is ready, we preparing a schedule for commissioning and co-ordinate with concern supplier for installation of each and every machinery.
• Assessing required maintenance tools and skills required for efficient maintenance of equipment.
• Assessing required skills required for maintenance personnel.
• Reviewing personnel transfers to and from maintenance organizations.
• Assessing and reporting safety hazards associated with maintenance of equipment.

Installation and Service Engineer 08/2010 – 10/2011
Employer: Exquisite Engineering Service, Chennai (India)

Another division of Exquisite Engineering services leading Industrial Packing Automation Company, which provides perfect Atomized Product packing line along with customer requirement

Roles & Responsibilities:

• Collecting the customer complaint records from customer care department and planning a servicing date and inform to customer.
• Explain the working procedure of the semi-automatic packing machine to operators.
• Providing brief explanations about preventive maintenance of our every machine to the company Maintenance Engineer.
• Work Responsibilities:
• Marking the location of field instruments (PI, TI, TE, TT, PT, FT, junction boxes, Local instrument enclosure racks) based on the P & ID.
• Handled instruments like Emerson, Abb, Yokogawa, and Honeywell.
• Supervised the field instruments installation works.
• Loop testing and Assistance in testing & commissioning.
• Maintain cable route schedule, impulse line slope as per document.
• Coordinate with clients and contractors.
• Familiar in hook up drawings and P & ID diagrams
• FAT testing for PLC panel.

Maintenance Trainee 06/2009 – 07/2010
Employer: Goodluck Syndicate, Coimbatore
Roles & Responsibilities:

• Basic Maintenance of closed loop Boiler
• Supervision, inspection and installation boiler material.
• Maintenance of Boiler, ducting, ID & FD fans.
• Maintenance of tunnel dryer, pusher block & puller blocks.
• Monitoring tunnel dryer by SCADA.
• Maintenance of Stamping Machine and Calibrate the stroke speed with HMI display.
• Analysis of repetitive equipment failures.
• Estimation of maintenance costs and evaluation of alternatives.
• Forecasting of spare parts.
• Assessing the needs for equipment replacements and establish replacement programs when due.
• Application of scheduling and project management principles to replacement programs.

Functional Exposure: Production Planning, Quality Assurance, Demand Planning, Maintenance Planning, Order Management, Business Intelligence, Logistics Planning.

Academic Projects:
• Done project regarding “Automated Oil Quenching System in Helical Spring Manufacturing” in Integral Coach Factory, Chennai.
• Done project regarding on “Double Flange Machine” in Exquisite Industries, Arakkonam.

Personal Details:

Nationality : Indian
Passport No : K6154638
Current Location : Doha, State of Qatar
Visa Status : Business Visa valid from 14/04/2015 to 13/05/2015.

Reference Details : Mr. Jeokash Doss, Sr.Sales Engineer
Coastal Trading & Engineering Co.W.L.L,
Mobile: +974 55042481

Mr. Narendra Kumar G
Qatar Airways (Supply chain Management),
Mobile: +974 33278050

Mr. S.Shimba, Vice President
Kikuwa India Private Limited
[email protected]

I hereby assure that all the details and particulars furnished above are true to my knowledge and conscience.
Place : Doha
Date : (Saravanan Srinivasan)


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