My Wireless modem is connected to the Qtel modem...
whats Pur Beurre
Thursday I have a First Holy Communion Party...
I would ask for iphone
Thanks hugs SG
Hey greeker long time no see .... were you on holidays...
They are just keeping the tempo of QL UP
It takes me longer to do the daily chores and how...
PORK not available if you get it here will sell like...
My Wireless modem is connected to the Qtel modem...
whats Pur Beurre
Thursday I have a First Holy Communion Party
I would ask for iphone
hugs SG
Hey greeker long time no see .... were you on holidays...
They are just keeping the tempo of QL UP
It takes me longer to do the daily chores and how...
PORK not available if you get it here will sell like...