MD, this time I have to disagree with you. You have to...
I noticed that lately I even cannot look at the couples...
eeeehhhh... look WHO is here!!! loooong time......
eh?? what do you mean I am desperate? desperate to...
lol.. brit.. but every husband sais the same... in this...
MD, if so...then google it for me too, brit ..:)
and I agree with MD on this point... cheating only...
yeah brit.. bumpy bits sound much more like a real...
yeah..yeah yeah.."48% of men rated emotional...
I'm also staying out of the social light for a while...
MD, this time I have to disagree with you. You have to...
I noticed that lately I even cannot look at the couples...
eeeehhhh... look WHO is here!!!
loooong time......
eh?? what do you mean I am desperate? desperate to...
lol.. brit.. but every husband sais the same... in this...
MD, if so...then google it for me too, brit ..:)
...and I agree with MD on this point... cheating only...
yeah brit.. bumpy bits sound much more like a real...
yeah..yeah yeah.."48% of men rated emotional...
I'm also staying out of the social light for a while...