to chen: he will be loyal when he feels like.. othewise...
zhyiellha, i guess you were going to say: 'you...
I don't have one :( although my hub has.. quite a...
"so many connecting flights"?? Qatar? ...ha.. .....
ha ha, panda, i was going to say: I'd kick his a$$......
PCG, to be honest i don’t believe in the "right person...
oh, it was for me?? LOL... and may i ask you, why...
you asked for our opinion, didn't you? this is MY...
Even the title of your post says to me about your...
i think if the guy in his 40 is still single (never...
to chen: he will be loyal when he feels like.. othewise...
zhyiellha, i guess you were going to say:
I don't have one :(
although my hub has.. quite a...
"so many connecting flights"?? Qatar? ...ha..
ha ha, panda, i was going to say: I'd kick his a$$......
PCG, to be honest i don’t believe in the "right person...
oh, it was for me?? LOL...
and may i ask you, why...
you asked for our opinion, didn't you?
this is MY...
Even the title of your post says to me about your...
i think if the guy in his 40 is still single (never...