One man’s no parking-space, is another man's free...
Praise the Lord and Pass the Vodka! And then...
His journey to drunkenness, he means :P
Sul:"Never wake a sleeping dog" If you know what'...
gypsy gal : I believe it’s the other way around :P...
Sul: Well, At least I’m not crying, squirming, groaning...
Sul: There's a difference between sobbing and crying :O...
Totally agree with TB: I too think crying has...
risks: she was at the back, with the Pilot in the...
Thelo: Never!
One man’s no parking-space, is another man's free...
Praise the Lord and Pass the Vodka!
And then...
His journey to drunkenness, he means :P
Sul:"Never wake a sleeping dog"
If you know what'...
gypsy gal : I believe it’s the other way around :P...
Sul: Well, At least I’m not crying, squirming, groaning...
Sul: There's a difference between sobbing and crying :O...
Totally agree with TB:
I too think crying has...
risks: she was at the back, with the Pilot in the...
Thelo: Never!