Is crying/showing emotion "manly"?

By MarcoNandoz-01 •
Is crying/showing emotion "manly"?
Why some cultures (particularly Middle Eastern) think its “unmanly” for a man to show emotions or to cry?
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Crying is an option !
haha ROFL
man :) only you would post such a topic lol
As wel as my knowledge is concern...man didnt shows xpressions but only tears..
Yogasha, hahahahaha =))
i cry when my mom cuts onions
is human...not gender based at all. Rather it will depend on the individual. Some are just extremely sensitive some not. A man is just as capable, as a woman, to feel sadness and shed tears. And I will never judge any guy for doing so, when even our own Prophet had tears in his eyes when he witnessed pain and suffering of others.
That said I do have an aversion to crocodile tears, regardless of who cries them, they always end up looking very deceitful and furtive!
Crying is normal as we are a human being. if you don't cry you are abnormal there's something wrong with you, and seeing a Psychiatrist might be the best solution.
Ukeng, nice message and have a nice weekend too..
Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward. -~Kurt Vonnegut
Shukran UKEngQatar!
and yup, we have given a change a chance; lets hope it is successful.
Happy weekend!
Ok my fellow QLbeings, the time has come to say Good bye for now as the Weekend is upon us. Seek Inner peace, spread love not hate, shed a tear or two for yourself its will cleanse your soul.
Have a nice weekend.
Thanks Khanan and I wish you the best for Naya Pakistan. You Pushtoon have shown the rest of the Pakistanis the way to the Naya Pakistan hope the rest will follow..
the first time every human being cries is when he comes out of his mother womb....so i would like to ask the OP his opinion on this
People will laugh at you, will obstruct you but my friend continue the journey!
I wish you all the success to the enlightment!
The injustice in this world, Like the they say jihad starts with in one self. You cant beat anyone unless you can over come your own self.
Praise the Lord and Pass the Vodka!
And then UKEnginner looked at his own reflection in the mirror and said
“Let there be a party”
What triggered the enlightenment journey? :)
Yes the more you look deep into yourself, the more your spirituality will go high. :)
Sorry for little hijack.
After all the years I have finally got intoxicated with true love, don't make me sober now!
LLR my way is full of hardship and trials the more I search inside and look at my inner self.
His journey to drunkenness, he means :P
wowww thatz really interesting. Wish you all the best UKE. I wish you reach higher levels of spirituality.
Call me Swami, Call me Guru, call me sufi, all seeking the same with different names...
yes gypsy gal, I seek inner peace and my journey to enlightenment has just started!
He think he is bad he is very handsome :)
what happend to our UKEng.. he is talking all spiritual..:)
I cry in the early hours in the morning in the drakness, when I think about myself and how bad I am :) Makes me stronger to look at myself my faults and my short comings :)
its nothing to do with gender, specially if you lost our loveones
MN - Sulie is farting all night? LOL!
Its not okay to cry in following situations:-
1. When you favorite sports team loses.
2. When those around you are looking to you as a source of calmness and strength.
3. To the point of irrational thinking or paralysis when you have a job to do.
4. When you don’t get your way.
5. When you’re frustrated.
I normally cry in public like this
When I am alone i dont know what earth or skies are. :)
Sul:"Never wake a sleeping dog"
If you know what's good for U *_*
gypsy gal : I believe it’s the other way around :P
LLR :)
I try to avoid cry in public.
Yes I am :) but strong emotionally (positive side).
GG ,, Then don't trust MN ,, he is a crying baby :O)
MN ---Who is doing it?
LLR ,, You are so sensitive "romantic couples or movies." :O(
I think thats normal to cry for the loss of someone dear.
we got a saying... never to trust a crying man and lady who laughs loud..:)
Sul: Well, At least I’m not crying, squirming, groaning and farting all night /-: uhuh!
I am a alpha male and I cry in sometimes when I pray or when i see someone in extreme physical pain or when I see romantic couples or movies.
When I am happy tears comes out of my eyes which are more dense than cry.
I am not sure about middle east i think it is common in many other places.
Sul: There's a difference between sobbing and crying :O
MM ,,, It doesn't work when i try to imagine you LoLing ,,, hehehe :O)
Totally agree with TB:
I too think crying has nothing to do with masculinity or being “Manly “, ‘n yes it shows a sensitive side to the man.
Antwerp :
Me I’d never cry over small things.
For example, it’d need to be something big for me to cry hum like, being out of nutella chocolate for breakfast or burning my favorite shirt! But other than those, it's fine.
At the moment, all the time LOL! Damned hormones. When I'm not pregnant....don't remember.
Miss Mimi when is the last time you cried as an Adult?
I don't like people who cry in general. Man or woman. Makes me uncomfortable.
crying is a normal way of expressing your true inner emotions. But it doesn't mean your manhood will be deteriorated.
I don’t see any problem in showing emotion, men or women dose not make any difference.
I dont like men who cry in front of others.. it makes him look weak...(its my personal opinion)
(particularly Middle Eastern) ,,,No comment
I am a Middle Eastern,, and everybody knows about the tears on my pillow
Crying has nothing to do with your Gender ,, but i think men cry alone,,, when nobody is watching.
i cried when my FIL got married to my MIL