OR one could call Fathimah to the rescue....;)
babu, you know that those Western media types ALWAYS...
There you go babu. Let us also find out where it...
babu. I am sure the rat has committed adultery at some...
Well, you can always stone it or decapitate it....
It's not that hard if one puts one's mind to it and...
I've been there twice, that was enough. Concrete...
People , just because you do not understand it, hence...
BB, just wait for Brit to tell you about his abduction...
Dear BB, it appears to be difficult enough to...
OR one could call Fathimah to the rescue....;)
...babu, you know that those Western media types ALWAYS...
There you go babu.
Let us also find out where it...
babu. I am sure the rat has committed adultery at some...
Well, you can always stone it or decapitate it....
It's not that hard if one puts one's mind to it and...
I've been there twice, that was enough.
People , just because you do not understand it, hence...
BB, just wait for Brit to tell you about his abduction...
Dear BB, it appears to be difficult enough to...