Landlover, sometimes the background of a person does...
Landlover, no hospitals won't work. This is not about...
Landlover, yes, I do strongly believe that. If a person...
I do not believe that cutting off limbs or a head and...
Violence begets more violence. The more violence people...
Maybe he uses them for his seating arrangement at home...
Very nice, thank you for posting them :)
A Kia...ah well.
eeekkkkk...those Brits are grungy....yukkkkk.
Flexicode..perfect! :)
Landlover, sometimes the background of a person does...
Landlover, no hospitals won't work. This is not about...
Landlover, yes, I do strongly believe that. If a person...
I do not believe that cutting off limbs or a head and...
Violence begets more violence. The more violence people...
Maybe he uses them for his seating arrangement at home...
Very nice, thank you for posting them :)
A Kia...ah well.
eeekkkkk...those Brits are grungy....yukkkkk.
...Flexicode..perfect! :)