rawda, i did grow up with a disabled family member. I...
tinker...SPOT ON!
rawda, ...a f u c k.....why do I bother.
About point 2. i think we had a discussion about this a...
We have justice systems in our societies to use them....
Cabbage, I can't quite understand why things are...
Btw, I have not seen one single place or facitliy here...
Having grown up with a disabled family member...I can't...
Creationism versus evolution AGAIN??????? Man,I...
rawda, i did grow up with a disabled family member. I...
tinker...SPOT ON!
rawda, ...a f u c k.....why do I bother.
About point 2. i think we had a discussion about this a...
We have justice systems in our societies to use them....
Cabbage, I can't quite understand why things are...
Btw, I have not seen one single place or facitliy here...
Having grown up with a disabled family member...I can't...
Creationism versus evolution AGAIN???????