awmalik, sure...but I felt the need to express myself...
Well tinker...took me a while...I am a bit more...
Aw malik, if those members are allowed to freely...
Tinker, YES, I GOT you now :)
Tinker...of course, banter is great, No question. But... in? Fit in what? is not even about Indian or Pakistani...
Tinker, I never said ONLY threads by Indiand and...
ReninGeorge, yes, I DID say that. and that is exactly...
Edifis..they are coming to Qatar. It was announced in...
awmalik, sure...but I felt the need to express myself...
Well tinker...took me a while...I am a bit more...
Aw malik, if those members are allowed to freely...
Tinker, YES, I GOT you now :)
Tinker...of course, banter is great, No question. But... in? Fit in what? is not even about Indian or Pakistani...
Tinker, I never said ONLY threads by Indiand and...
ReninGeorge, yes, I DID say that. and that is exactly...
Edifis..they are coming to Qatar. It was announced in...