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Member since: September 2009

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a crash like that takes some doing..oh and.a nissan...

No students injured in Qatar school bus crash mohdata 8 years 11 months

for those interested in knowing...
pilots are...

Flydubai plane crashes in Russia, 62 passengers feared dead mohdata 8 years 11 months

what are you saying man type clearly...

car rent to own mohdata 8 years 11 months

yeah man scared to death of needles; even as a grown...

A trypanophobic’s experience of donating blood in Qatar… mohdata 8 years 11 months

Wt: Of course of course... Have fun you too.......

Flydubai plane crashes in Russia, 62 passengers feared dead mohdata 8 years 11 months

Brit: Yup those are cross winds and any pilot worth his...

Flydubai plane crashes in Russia, 62 passengers feared dead mohdata 8 years 11 months

Brit: As an avid ' air crash investigation'...

Flydubai plane crashes in Russia, 62 passengers feared dead mohdata 8 years 11 months

WT: You are equally guilty of all that you accuse MM of...

Flydubai plane crashes in Russia, 62 passengers feared dead mohdata 8 years 11 months

I had never heard of it and now that I have, i see...

Some of the top things to do in Doha throughout the year… mohdata 8 years 11 months

Left my car running and forgot my wallet and phone on...

Do you have a story of Doha's beautiful honesty to share? mohdata 8 years 11 months
