I like the Spice Market at the W for a special dinner....
Is the car in your name? If not, then you won't be...
If this person is only a few weeks behind on the rent I...
You will first need an offer of employment from a...
Got a picture and a certificate of authenticity?...
Yup, been there, done that. Lasts up to 10 days. As a...
My favorite bumper sticker goes on upside down and...
AAIIS is a school from the Philippines affiliated with...
I believe that Prozac is the only antidepressant/...
Darn, I thought it was for people who love shoes....
I like the Spice Market at the W for a special dinner....
Is the car in your name? If not, then you won't be...
If this person is only a few weeks behind on the rent I...
You will first need an offer of employment from a...
Got a picture and a certificate of authenticity?
Yup, been there, done that. Lasts up to 10 days. As a...
My favorite bumper sticker goes on upside down and...
AAIIS is a school from the Philippines affiliated with...
I believe that Prozac is the only antidepressant/...
Darn, I thought it was for people who love shoes....