I'd love to work out Fridays and Saturdays since Aspire...
Most compounds have a gym or a social area that could...
I don't mean to be discouraging but "demanding" 20K...
Gotta be chinitasai08's "animated boy!" Mandi...
Tee, hee, and I love saying this: Jamie Lee Curtis and...
OK, true confessions time - I love Judge Judy! Can...
Nope, PM, me and Scarlett are ladies whose heritage...
Biscuits and gravy! Pie for breakfast (made with lard,...
Happy Happy, you'd be surprised at who's a redneck here...
Siddh, Canada and the US had a choice to go with rail...
I'd love to work out Fridays and Saturdays since Aspire...
Most compounds have a gym or a social area that could...
I don't mean to be discouraging but "demanding" 20K...
Gotta be chinitasai08's "animated boy!"
Tee, hee, and I love saying this: Jamie Lee Curtis and...
OK, true confessions time - I love Judge Judy! Can...
Nope, PM, me and Scarlett are ladies whose heritage...
Biscuits and gravy! Pie for breakfast (made with lard,...
Happy Happy, you'd be surprised at who's a redneck here...
Siddh, Canada and the US had a choice to go with rail...