n_minie, Thanks for your answers. I always look for...
n_minie, How did you know it was a ghost? Whose ghost...
Love swells like the Solway, but ebbs like its tide...
n_minie, Really!! so why don't you tell about the ghost...
Simple..one needs a keener intellect to discern satire...
Help me out..I can't recognise anyone except Will Smith...
Her fingers look so lady-like..so does her arm and feet...
Once I stumbled on a stone and hurt myself trying to...
nomerci, Generations of dogmatic indoctrination against...
People who think not in their brains but groins would...
n_minie, Thanks for your answers. I always look for...
n_minie, How did you know it was a ghost? Whose ghost...
Love swells like the Solway, but ebbs like its tide...
n_minie, Really!! so why don't you tell about the ghost...
Simple..one needs a keener intellect to discern satire...
Help me out..I can't recognise anyone except Will Smith...
Her fingers look so lady-like..so does her arm and feet...
Once I stumbled on a stone and hurt myself trying to...
nomerci, Generations of dogmatic indoctrination against...
People who think not in their brains but groins would...