no further comment. Just stick around on the site or...
serious about what?
rock the casbah ... thats call dyslexic. Or multiple...
Dont have to tell us ... everyone knows it. Best just...
yupp... this one probably wear a 'twisted knickers' too...
I have never heard of a doctor with that mindset......
pls dont type with capital letters.Means you shouting...
read the thread first pls. Second post from the top....
"when the husband is obviously eating,,,-stupid...
How many people have heard the following, or variation...
no further comment. Just stick around on the site or...
serious about what?
rock the casbah ... thats call dyslexic. Or multiple...
Dont have to tell us ... everyone knows it. Best just...
yupp... this one probably wear a 'twisted knickers' too...
I have never heard of a doctor with that mindset......
pls dont type with capital letters.Means you shouting...
read the thread first pls. Second post from the top....
"when the husband is obviously eating,,,-stupid...
How many people have heard the following, or variation...