I understand what tootsie said completely. My husband...
argh ... poor grantley ... pay up or they wont register...
if your sim card not from Doha (Qatar) ... incoming...
i was about asking the same question. Or probably the...
ah ... Orang Kedah that call Sarcasm :D
mozaic's internet connection is not as good as a ADSL...
i received my RP over 3 months ... but that was nearly...
Daiso is on the top of Home R Us in Hyat Plaza....
hi amnesia ... finger cross the government will...
daiso also sell the same stuffs Spicemom.
I understand what tootsie said completely. My husband...
argh ... poor grantley ... pay up or they wont register...
if your sim card not from Doha (Qatar) ... incoming...
i was about asking the same question. Or probably the...
ah ... Orang Kedah that call Sarcasm :D
mozaic's internet connection is not as good as a ADSL...
i received my RP over 3 months ... but that was nearly...
Daiso is on the top of Home R Us in Hyat Plaza....
hi amnesia ... finger cross the government will...
daiso also sell the same stuffs Spicemom.