State of Doha Road

By novita77

We went to industrial area today for hubby's car service. Last time we were there was October 2007 before we went on holiday. And somehow today it seems like an war aircraft just dropped the bomb in the middle of the industrial area. It was total chaos and a mess ... there was a 'lake' outside the garage ... apparently been there since after the rain ... Must be a really deep hole seems till now still not dry out yet.

I asked one of the staffs who worked for Hyundai ... he said the authority will only start fixing the road on 2010 ...

Around the area we went there were no street light ... pothole everywhere ... if you drive a saloon car surely it will damage your car badly if you run through those holes.

If you notice ... in Doha ... after 2 or 3 days of rain ... you will see the road start fall into pieces. Cracked everywhere. Any other place either in the west or in the far east ... you can have rain 2 or 3 times a week but wont affect the road condition.

I guess cheapest is best works here in Doha ... From the man power till the material. Be it road construction, housing or others.

How about you fellow QL'ers? How the state of the road outside your resident area and your working place? Do share it with us :D

By anonymous• 3 Feb 2008 22:16

We better start working soon to satisfy all the foreigner in this country otherwise if any more rain comes, they may end up like this!

It's great to be loved!

By amnesia• 3 Feb 2008 21:54

@mystica, ok you bring the asphault, and I'll bring the shovels :D


By OrangKedah• 3 Feb 2008 20:50

I think we ALL pay high taxes in Qatar.... the only thing is that, they call it "Rent" over here! Just imagine, Qatari tax rate ranges from 25% to 50% of one's earnings!!!

By OrangKedah• 3 Feb 2008 20:43
Rating: 2/5

Novita77, in all honesty, I am quite disappointed with the deplorable road conditions here in Doha. The trunk roads are generally of acceptable standard, but once you take any slip road, reality sets in! The other thing about Doha that I think needs more attention from the authorities is the landscaping which is terribly lacking in this city.

By anonymous• 3 Feb 2008 18:24


It's great to be loved!

By bajesus• 3 Feb 2008 17:06

Okaaay Amnesia, whatever you say :)

By amnesia• 3 Feb 2008 16:51

@bajesus, when i try to explain myself so that there is no misunderstanding, you say I'm taking it personally.... I get what you are saying, take it easy.


By Grantley• 3 Feb 2008 16:25

2 hours to get from Industrial Area to Dafna last week, even with some selective 'off piste' driving.

Week before, I hit a pothole right behind the computer souk. Pothole doesn't describe it - 8k worth of damage to my drivetrain. Thanks a lot Ashghal!!

By bajesus• 3 Feb 2008 16:14

Just wanted to clarify that my post is in response to amnesia's :)

By bajesus• 3 Feb 2008 16:13

The point I'm trying to get accross is Qatar's roads don't measure up to Kuwait's. It's like comparing apples and oranges! Besides, we've only started having major road works and construction in recent years whereas they've been looking after theirs decades ago so naturally their roads are going to be better. I'm not going to distort the truth or what have you just because I love my country. What progress will that will that benefit Qatar? besides, why take it so personally if someone criticizes Qatar's roads...they're just roads for pete's sake! lol

By genesis• 3 Feb 2008 16:11

I do agree with you about the weak infrastructure in qatar .The reason behind that is the lack of long term planning , officials too afraid to claim responsibility & the pop-up of black-listed contractors in new contracts. Add to that bureaucracy & shortage of qualified professionals in government corporations. But let's not compare our position to other GCC countries. We as locals, know that nothing got started here before 1996. While other GCC countries started decades earlier

By amnesia• 3 Feb 2008 15:38

@red_pope, that's a very great idea. Qatar definately has the money to start such an initiative.

It would be great if we could write a report on various subjects and present it to relevant ministries. (however time is always something that is not on our side).

@bajesus, it's not a game indeed. Did I make it seem so? I was just trying to provide backing support from locals. My point was that there are those in Kuwait that would complain too because you made it seem like they've got perfect roads.


By bajesus• 3 Feb 2008 14:38

This is not a game of who knows who. If it was then I'd like to pitch in that we have a house in Kuwait, I have friends & family on both my mom and dad's sides in Kuwait. My mom studied Uni in Kuwait. I go to Kuwait every year. I'm pretty sure I know what Im talking about. No country is perfect but the roads in Kuwait and Doha are incomparable. If theirs are bad then ours are dreadful.

By Khanan• 3 Feb 2008 14:31

looooool.......da de kha waye...da khachar na zan (matlab da khar) satal garana da....

sorry novita77....

i havent collected that much points in my one year stint in QL as much i collected today....

kooool..i should apply for QL social group and look forward to other forthcoming trip......

By anonymous• 3 Feb 2008 14:29

They hit my wife's car at a R/A. sped away without stoping. No trace

By DaRuDe• 3 Feb 2008 14:25

Khachar na zan sata LOL cycle ba kha ye :D


By Khanan• 3 Feb 2008 14:25

worst and they think with big vehicles they are safe and its us to bear their rude driving

By anonymous• 3 Feb 2008 14:24

pathetic? It is a very mild version to describe the situation.

By anonymous• 3 Feb 2008 14:22

Kanan - be extra carefull about bloody trailer drivers. Worst

By Khanan• 3 Feb 2008 14:22

loooool......cycle na khar......

sa khiyal de de?????

By deedee• 3 Feb 2008 14:21

of the industrial area last week. I took a friend to the labour dept. that's out there. What we took could never be considered a "road" it was more a dirty, holey narrow path somewhat like you would find in the most out of the way spot in the poorest country in Africa. It was barely passable and I have a giant SUV. This is Qatar, the richest country in the world. It's pathetic.

By Khanan• 3 Feb 2008 14:20

i m khanan n its my user name not the real one and i m not from kerla...

hope that u find kannan somehow n thanks for the advice...i will be surely careful but wat about the other careless on the roads....

take care....

By anonymous• 3 Feb 2008 14:16

Then be carefull. I had a friend called Kannan from Kerala few years back. Now lost contacts.

By anonymous• 3 Feb 2008 14:11

Some counties have government websites dedicated only to report damage roads. Including they have Hotlines for that purpose.

They have crews standing bye to repair and quick assessment of the damage ROADS. That is just an Idea for the municipal counties of Doha and their roads.

Every County is responsible for their roads, except the major federal highways, that fell into the state responsibilities.

Is a simple fix to avoid a major problem.

The question is: Are they willing to be proactive and willing too listen the public?

The Red Pope of Qatar Living

I have seen a twelve toe stripper, I have seen one breasted stripper, I have seen a brainless stripper, but never in my life a one legged stripper! Quentin tarantino-Planet Terror--

By Khanan• 3 Feb 2008 14:07

Thanks for recommendation ..but dont have a 4 x 4......

By anonymous• 3 Feb 2008 14:04

Khanan - I advice you to use a 4X4 if you can. I was in the Industrial Area last Friday and Road conditions are extremly Good ;)

By Khanan• 3 Feb 2008 14:02

i will going to industrial area after an hour to Toyota Service Centre and hope that i came safe from there.....

really the roads are in miserable condition and more worse is the way ppl drive their especially heavy vehicles and karwa taxis ....

By amnesia• 3 Feb 2008 13:55

I agree, 1 year is too long. To be honest, 3 months is too long!

If the government knows about it, they should put a sign up letting the people know.

I guess they should be hiring companies to search for the potholes. (then again, you'll get companies damaging the road on purpose).

To be honest, they should set stones beneath the roads to keep them level, and then use a higher quality asphault.


By amnesia• 3 Feb 2008 13:50

@bajesus, I didn't say that Qatar's roads are better than Kuwait, I said I have Kuwaiti friends who'd say that Kuwaiti roads are bad too.

I'll gladly give you the number of a couple if you'd like to verify they are indeed Kuwaiti :P


What does that mean? I'm never going to stay silent to your comments because you try to put words into my mouth or make something sound like something else when I never said that.

"The roads suck in Doha and you’re so delusional you can't even admit something so small as this???"

Read above you'll see that I did not disagree. There are nice roads and bad roads. I'll give an example. The road to sports city is great, the road right behind it in Aziziya is crap.

You’re always comparing other countries to this and that, and I really feel for you that you find you need to stick up for Doha so much.

Don't let it get to you, every country has its problems but at least most people admit to it instead of defending every thing- every little thing!!

"I also find it sad that you are so eager to change people’s minds about Doha. Let people think for themselves!!"

My posts are to give people another point of view. In this case I was pointing out that my emiratee friends and kuwaiti friends also complain about the state of their roads. (so do my British friends and French friends)

"Telling people that rent is not high in Doha is rubbish but the worse thing which I hope your not doing is telling potential new comers that it is affordable."

Ummm as usual you go into different subjects. This isn't about rent.

I never said that the rent is not high. I have only ever said that you can find 'cheaper' apartments in threads. Read my site, you'll see that I clearly say that accommodation is an issue. Don't assume.

"I find it so strange you keep spreading the word about how wonderful Doha is, but neglect to tell people about the poverty, mistreatment, slavery, suffering and pure misery for many, from an Islamic state I might add! You have excluded this part from your website. Why?"

Again, I love my country and I see the great potential. I myself and many others are working hard to make it a better place. Now, you ask me, why have you 'exluded' the bad things from your website. Perhaps it's because I'm an optimist and like to show the good side? Can you find me a tourism site for England by a british guy who writes about the bad things of his country? I do discuss them here on the forums though. I even touched on the subject of labourers on my site and hence set up the charity. You'll find poverty, mistreatement, and misery in EVERY country of the world.

I also don't mention the work I put into helping people, labourers, working on transparancy of the law and other things on the site? Why don't you ask me why i don't mention the good things I do on the site? Perhaps because it seems that your goal is to simple insult, be rude, and look at the bad side of life.

I've never seen such a person such as yourself who jumps from irrelevant subject to subject. This thread is about the state of ROADS, not about rent, not about my site, not about anything else.


By dragonfly212• 3 Feb 2008 10:24

thats what i said in some posts before, what happen with the people in the area when massive emergency evacuation is needed?? only one street to get out of there. such a mess. The authorities should think about this to ovaid such massive loss in the future. you never knows whats gonna happen tomorrow. maybe iran decided to drop the nuclear bomb in USA base and voala... big mess emergency situation...

Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand

By anonymous• 3 Feb 2008 10:03

Industrial are is neglected. There are no big shots living there only workers. who cares about them. I have been around in industrial area for last 3+ years and everyday it is getting bad to worst.

By anonymous• 3 Feb 2008 09:11

I supposed were just lucky with our route. Last year there's lots of holes on the road on the way to University and now they are all fixed.

Alright! Alright! I got the picture, I'll go and fix all the holes in year 2015 before the next Asian games, As I've got lots of works to do in queue, is that okay?

It's great to be loved!

By anonymous• 3 Feb 2008 09:11


The Red Pope of Qatar Living

I have seen a twelve toe stripper, I have seen one breasted stripper, I have seen a brainless stripper, but never in my life a one legged stripper! Quentin tarantino-Planet Terror--

By anonymous• 3 Feb 2008 09:02

Good Morning!

You have a point, but I see no reason to see the same pot hole over and over in the streets after one year.

The Red Pope of Qatar Living

I have seen a twelve toe stripper, I have seen one breasted stripper, I have seen a brainless stripper, but never in my life a one legged stripper! Quentin tarantino-Planet Terror--

By anonymous• 3 Feb 2008 08:59

I am not up for an argument first thing in the morning, just trying to be reasonable.

It's great to be loved!

By anonymous• 3 Feb 2008 08:55

The government obviously has better plan for their country and if you come to think how they rushed to fix the road just to have it ready for the Asian game last 2006 and then have it dug up again because they are not contented with the work. I mean they are doing their best to have their country look good and to be impressive. Obviously they are making an effort but people just have to be patient. Qatar is booming for reasons.

It's great to be loved!

By anonymous• 3 Feb 2008 08:48

If we have to start paying taxes in Doha, there will be a massive exodus of people from Doha.

The problem is the contracts don't have QC personnel and no political check and balance for the completion of the contracts.

The Red Pope of Qatar Living

I have seen a twelve toe stripper, I have seen one breasted stripper, I have seen a brainless stripper, but never in my life a one legged stripper! Quentin tarantino-Planet Terror--

By anonymous• 3 Feb 2008 08:43

It's true that there's lots of roads constructions going on but, don't you think you're demands are not possible? If they will fix all roads at the same time, how will people go to their work and the kids to their school? It's obvious that Qatari government are trying to fix their roads here and there it's but it's also obvious that they can't fix them all at once! And for the records why people can easily say someone is obviously getting rich? when they don't charge people here taxes? Who are we to demand like what we can demand in our own country? because the government charge taxes?

It's great to be loved!

By tallg• 3 Feb 2008 08:23

Hey Novi - I was in the Industrial Area for our car service yesterday as well! And like you, I was shocked at the state of the roads. I realise it must be hard to maintain roads that receive so much heavy traffic on a daily basis, but it's frustrating seeing a country spend so much effort developing certain areas of a city while apparently neglecting other parts.

Is Dubai the same? Are parts of it suffering while the shiny new areas continue to be developed?


By Renee• 3 Feb 2008 03:46

Amnesia, you cannot accept constructive criticism about Doha, which is really sad to see. The roads suck in Doha and you’re so delusional you can't even admit something so small as this??? You’re always comparing other countries to this and that, and I really feel for you that you find you need to stick up for Doha so much.

Don't let it get to you, every country has its problems but at least most people admit to it instead of defending every thing- every little thing!!

I also find it sad that you are so eager to change people’s minds about Doha. Let people think for themselves!!

Telling people that rent is not high in Doha is rubbish but the worse thing which I hope your not doing is telling potential new comers that it is affordable. It may be for you amnesia but isn't for most people, and no I'm not making this up!! Your deluding people just to make Doha look good!!

I find it so strange you keep spreading the word about how wonderful Doha is, but neglect to tell people about the poverty, mistreatment, slavery, suffering and pure misery for many, from an Islamic state I might add! You have excluded this part from your website. Why?

Red-pope and knoxcollege you may want to start criticizing my every move to keep the ever vigilant PM off your case!! Go ahead, I don’t mind.

By bajesus• 3 Feb 2008 02:29
Rating: 4/5

Are heaps better than Doha's. Are you kidding Amnesia? I just came back from there and it's still as good as ever. No Kuwaiti in their right mind would think that our roads are better than theirs!! they've been looking after their roads and infrastructure since the 50's. It's all freeways and 5 lanes on each side. I really do get that you love Qatar, as most of us do, but surely it doesn't mean we have to cover up the facts. It's just constructive criticism- something you :)

By amnesia• 3 Feb 2008 00:16

@retlaw, I've got Kuwaiti friends that would swear left and right to disagree with you. In fact, I've got one right here :P

As for Emirates, the Emirates expat forums would disagree with you too.


By novita77• 2 Feb 2008 23:40

ah ... Orang Kedah that call Sarcasm :D

By OrangKedah• 2 Feb 2008 23:21

Am not sure whether is should be Doha2016 or Doha3016.

By retlaw• 2 Feb 2008 23:11

I have been here for 5.5 years and never have seen roads that lasted for at least a year. Always they get potholes or sinks. I have been to Kuwait, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Muscat and amazed how they can make good roads and Qatar can not. Somebody must be getting rich somewhere.


"I don't think so, therefore I'm probably not." - Alan Smithee

By novita77• 2 Feb 2008 20:14

hi amnesia ... finger cross the government will materialize it a.s.a.p

By amnesia• 2 Feb 2008 16:45
Rating: 3/5

@novita, it was in the arabic newspapers three days ago (maybe 4).

The government will be doing something about that. No excuse to allow it to get into that state really.


By Scarlett• 2 Feb 2008 16:33

area at the furthest roundabout..they've attempted to patch it but that just created a deeper You know..its GOT to be difficult to stablize sand enough to build a road upon it...

Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.

--Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)

By ohbee wan• 2 Feb 2008 16:27
ohbee wan

yup moon craters everywhere :( very dangerous specially if your not familiar with the roads.

but with the conditions of the roads in industrial area, i dont think it would improve, coz' there are a lot of heavy trucks going in and out of that area.

By dragonfly212• 2 Feb 2008 15:26

I dont like the road in doha now after the rain. to many pathole around. very dangerous.

Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand

By anonymous• 2 Feb 2008 15:13

I needed a boat to navigate our road:(

By anonymous• 2 Feb 2008 15:13

Novita you are wrong. Road excavations are delibrate done in the seach of Oil in Industrial area. What is worth more your car or OIL.

By lima foxtrot• 2 Feb 2008 15:01
Rating: 2/5
lima foxtrot

Wow as I scared, big potholes everywhere. The taxi driver was trying to overtake a lorry, then he came upon a pothole and had to brake and pull back. It was like that all the way to the Kia workshop.

When we did mange to get there in one piece I was out of the car before my hubby had opened his door, lol.

Next time I think I will let my hubby go himself 

Also, when we arrived back from the UK on the 15 Jan, we had heavy rain, after taking what seemed a lifetime to get home, when I opened the gates we had a big puddle in our garden. I can tell you, it was no fun getting into the house with our suitcases. 


By nicaq25• 2 Feb 2008 15:01

are far worst than war-torn Iraq maybe.Especially in our area, need a 4WD to drive this road!

By crazyfox• 2 Feb 2008 14:30

Construction engineers in Qatar do not account for rains. They only consider for the high desert temperatures. Also with so much of gas and oil underneath there is no place for the water to go :)

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