hard-pressed to win at all cost. Precisely the reason...
in a real world. Wake up! You can't have it all! Even...
a murderer after just 14 years to commit another crime...
doesn't know the 11th and 12th Rules! Ask the Pinoys,...
both Muslims. And they are govern by the laws. They...
the s.. hours (with her)! Lol!
"Private Practice" last night and the movie "Rumor has...
but is there a periodic review of prisoner's behavior...
maybe you're the one who have d............!
hard-pressed to win at all cost. Precisely the reason...
in a real world. Wake up! You can't have it all! Even...
a murderer after just 14 years to commit another crime...
doesn't know the 11th and 12th Rules! Ask the Pinoys,...
both Muslims. And they are govern by the laws. They...
the s.. hours (with her)! Lol!
"Private Practice" last night and the movie "Rumor has...
but is there a periodic review of prisoner's behavior...
maybe you're the one who have d............!