Are you sure Colt? She may have been saying you're big...
I think your wifey said that to you to make you feel...
I miss our dates or not, I still loved them...
Cheap date, might be worth it...
I gave up sweets and chocolates for lent so I'm gonna...
TBF MM, you do look like a hottie in your profile pic,...
CL: maybe Rizks likes a bit of man love
Awww, I feel bad now that I ruined your special...
Stop flirting you two!
Hahaha CL, Pamela is mostly shop bought.
Are you sure Colt? She may have been saying you're big...
I think your wifey said that to you to make you feel...
I miss our dates or not, I still loved them...
Cheap date, might be worth it...
I gave up sweets and chocolates for lent so I'm gonna...
TBF MM, you do look like a hottie in your profile pic,...
CL: maybe Rizks likes a bit of man love
Awww, I feel bad now that I ruined your special...
Stop flirting you two!
Hahaha CL, Pamela is mostly shop bought.