The official Vatican position: "Since it has been...
Thank you moderator. It gets a little tiring having...
Babu please don't insult the religious beliefs of...
Haha, good point Thelonius. You tripped me up on my...
Numbers are a concept of quantity. Concepts are...
Perhaps people are having a tough time mentally...
"Numbers" are abstract. Why is that so hard to fathom...
Plato and Aristotle spent time considering the...
No need for a rumor in Qatar website. That's what QL...
Yes, the ban was changed. But instead of putting this...
The official Vatican position:
"Since it has been...
Thank you moderator. It gets a little tiring having...
Babu please don't insult the religious beliefs of...
Haha, good point Thelonius. You tripped me up on my...
Numbers are a concept of quantity. Concepts are...
Perhaps people are having a tough time mentally...
"Numbers" are abstract. Why is that so hard to fathom...
Plato and Aristotle spent time considering the...
No need for a rumor in Qatar website. That's what QL...
Yes, the ban was changed. But instead of putting this...