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Member since: April 2007

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Your question is valid and it is your right to ask....

Weekend again!!!! But MR. PAUL may come,may not.........,may come,may not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KellysHeroes 16 years 11 months



Weekend again!!!! But MR. PAUL may come,may not.........,may come,may not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KellysHeroes 16 years 11 months

I have no idea...

Weekend again!!!! But MR. PAUL may come,may not.........,may come,may not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KellysHeroes 16 years 11 months

Am fine SM. Having my morning coffee. Trip coffee will...

Weekend again!!!! But MR. PAUL may come,may not.........,may come,may not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KellysHeroes 16 years 11 months

Novi. Thought you are peeling the garlic for SM bread...

Weekend again!!!! But MR. PAUL may come,may not.........,may come,may not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KellysHeroes 16 years 11 months

What woke you up that early? are you preparing our...

Weekend again!!!! But MR. PAUL may come,may not.........,may come,may not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KellysHeroes 16 years 11 months

so we can jump the traffic signals without being fined...

Earth Hour - 29 March 2008 [AT] 8:00 p.m. KellysHeroes 16 years 11 months

if your notbook has "classified" data, then I will be...

for two months since I moved to this new apartment I get this error message all the time KellysHeroes 16 years 11 months

Kindly be humble and save our time by telling us where...

keep fit classes/aerobics KellysHeroes 16 years 11 months

The "masters" passed the info to me...

for two months since I moved to this new apartment I get this error message all the time KellysHeroes 16 years 11 months
