let me think that you are shallow minded,...
Trust and respect should be from both, just a...
See many scientists have proved the failure of Darwins...
People must use their brain first and analyze, the...
Is bad. I guess people need a universal laws to...
So you agree that justice and equality is the solution...
Refuse her parents choice just because she want to live...
As they say parents knows better in most cases
A wrong culture Is the concept of ownership is a...
and this approves the following fixed facts
let me think that you are shallow minded,...
Trust and respect should be from both, just a...
See many scientists have proved the failure of Darwins...
People must use their brain first and analyze, the...
Is bad.
I guess people need a universal laws to...
So you agree that justice and equality is the solution...
Refuse her parents choice just because she want to live...
As they say parents knows better in most cases
...A wrong culture
Is the concept of ownership is a...
and this approves the following fixed facts