came from one God. People interpetation made...
Some people were told by their parents that religions...
A judge must leave every thing behind him when it comes...
The Qatars rescue team has ended the mission...
I can express my self and in order to support my points...
Is against Islam, because the Quran tells us to use our...
In my opinion the thoub is not a must and me personally...
A Qatari women and girls must respect the tradition of...
A belief is defined as follow: It is what stays...
came from one God.
People interpetation made...
Some people were told by their parents that religions...
A judge must leave every thing behind him when it comes...
The Qatars rescue team has ended the mission...
I can express my self and in order to support my points...
Is against Islam, because the Quran tells us to use our...
In my opinion the thoub is not a must and me personally...
A Qatari women and girls must respect the tradition of...
A belief is defined as follow:
It is what stays...