Arien--stop lolllling..where is the coffee...
seem that whenever you see Pajju...you appearss.....
I am not in there :)..Pajju is there and he is enough...
which stadium:)
Bahraini...mabrook alaik al...
expect a bombardment of friendsheeeep PM's in the next...
Yup.Check your PM... HIRED!!!...
and it will be fun.
the corniche will be close for the National Day...
I think....
but it is bitter fact of the society we live in. Really...
Arien--stop lolllling..where is the coffee...
seem that whenever you see Pajju...you appearss.....
I am not in there :)..Pajju is there and he is enough...
which stadium:)
Bahraini...mabrook alaik al...
expect a bombardment of friendsheeeep PM's in the next...
Yup.Check your PM...
and it will be fun.
the corniche will be close for the National Day...
I think.
but it is bitter fact of the society we live in. Really...