Please take me along.. Me and you only....
to all the buddies across the line:D
akhir kaar 30,000 mar khan shawye...
toora da...
u need a GAS treatment otherwise its dangerous, see...
and the fan base is in billions,...
go and enjoy shopping...
Good bargains today....
you ain't suppose to reveal secrets..:(
apart from threads, some posts also disappears quickly...
Please take me along..
...Me and you only....
to all the buddies across the line:D
akhir kaar 30,000 mar khan shawye...
toora da...
u need a GAS treatment otherwise its dangerous, see...
and the fan base is in billions,
go and enjoy shopping...
Good bargains today....
you ain't suppose to reveal secrets..:(
apart from threads, some posts also disappears quickly...