are you gonna invite us to your wedding LLR?
and yes, you did the right thing... poor fellow,...
check out first the restrictions... all airlines do the...
what are friends for? hahahha!
wny you're late in your aaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh?...
Meet her and bring Sulie - let him introduced as Marco...
old joke with a twist of "new version"! lol at...
at least in your profile pix... :)
you have the best nerd glasses! :)
“You only need to be Qatar-born and know some Arabic....
are you gonna invite us to your wedding LLR?
...and yes, you did the right thing...
poor fellow,...
check out first the restrictions... all airlines do the...
what are friends for? hahahha!
wny you're late in your aaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh?...
Meet her and bring Sulie - let him introduced as Marco...
old joke with a twist of "new version"!
lol at...
at least in your profile pix... :)
you have the best nerd glasses! :)
“You only need to be Qatar-born and know some Arabic....