A very good morning to you Smoke & to all others...
Minimum salary required to bring wife is QR 10,000...
Raid means Leader, pioneer
5 years for me .. Alhamdulliah
Good morning all
May you all have a blessed Day...
TFS .. but why NO
its tooo hot in QL
let get back to work...
hahahah emy .. OP shud b the one to get back to work...
A very good morning to All
wish you the same...
is tat u rizks :P
A very good morning to you Smoke & to all others...
Minimum salary required to bring wife is QR 10,000...
Raid means Leader, pioneer
5 years for me .. Alhamdulliah
Good morning all
May you all have a blessed Day...
TFS .. but why NO
its tooo hot in QL
let get back to work...
hahahah emy .. OP shud b the one to get back to work...
A very good morning to All
wish you the same...
is tat u rizks :P