lol.. luks like you are keen to know the numbers.....
4 a day...
Morning Rizkz/ Pajju.. lazyheads are...
Mmmmmmwwahhhhhh.. QL.. have a wonder full birthday and...
Demand for visit visa for family, get it extended once...
Any lulu guys reading???
Declare me the winner...
Hamlet / Brit.. Exactly my thoughts.....
Height of Ignorance...
Hi pajju.. Charans Love story on air..lOl...
Charan.. why did 75 babes refuse you???...
happend is happend, get the hell out of the country at...
lol.. luks like you are keen to know the numbers.....
4 a day...
Morning Rizkz/ Pajju.. lazyheads are...
Mmmmmmwwahhhhhh.. QL.. have a wonder full birthday and...
Demand for visit visa for family, get it extended once...
Any lulu guys reading???
Declare me the winner...
Hamlet / Brit.. Exactly my thoughts..
Height of Ignorance
Hi pajju.. Charans Love story on air..lOl
Charan.. why did 75 babes refuse you???
happend is happend, get the hell out of the country at...