Stone cold you said it right.
Macqyv... Forget...
Lol MD - so thats why the locals go for the cheaper...
Tallg is rght- Qatar grows Brocoli, you get it 10 a kg...
Rizkz.. lol - you and your naughty fingers. wher is...
Think twice before giving your lower back and upper...
Wish they had beer pubs in each mall like how they have...
UKeng - and let the betterhalf be the listener at the...
lol.. Good one Winn
Rizkz..DA - This is the reason why the Underwears and...
I never knew you get to buy one :)...
Stone cold you said it right.
Macqyv... Forget...
Lol MD - so thats why the locals go for the cheaper...
Tallg is rght- Qatar grows Brocoli, you get it 10 a kg...
Rizkz.. lol - you and your naughty fingers. wher is...
Think twice before giving your lower back and upper...
Wish they had beer pubs in each mall like how they have...
UKeng - and let the betterhalf be the listener at the...
lol.. Good one Winn
Rizkz..DA - This is the reason why the Underwears and...
I never knew you get to buy one :)