U could print it out n stick it on there windshield n...
Not all the time my other car is a Mustang :P
The cop sounds like Leonidas in 300 " this is Sparta...
im so sure thts True..
my god tht was long.... u have a lot of patience man...
Hope u have a great bday Little girl !!!
SO ur saying u did all of wht u just typed ?? or u got...
Souq Najada - Technomart ,
hehehe good stuff ... Im sure the person who started...
U attrach these Pm's like Honey to a bear :)
U could print it out n stick it on there windshield n...
Not all the time my other car is a Mustang :P
...The cop sounds like Leonidas in 300 " this is Sparta...
im so sure thts True..
my god tht was long.... u have a lot of patience man...
Hope u have a great bday Little girl !!!
SO ur saying u did all of wht u just typed ?? or u got...
Souq Najada - Technomart ,
hehehe good stuff ... Im sure the person who started...
U attrach these Pm's like Honey to a bear :)