Try technical Care Center
In the link you will find some reading to do
Then I wonder how this post is called QG employees...
No agreement yet to have IPHONE through VODAPHONE....
As deedee said do a little searching/reading
If you mean a classified then follow the link and...
I'll just have a small snack at home, go to office,...
You mean, like this
When he openned the account he must have signed some...
First of all asses yourself on the way you eat and what...
Try technical Care Center
In the link you will find some reading to do
Then I wonder how this post is called QG employees...
No agreement yet to have IPHONE through VODAPHONE....
As deedee said do a little searching/reading
If you mean a classified then follow the link and...
I'll just have a small snack at home, go to office,...
You mean, like this
When he openned the account he must have signed some...
First of all asses yourself on the way you eat and what...